Monday, September 15, 2014

Achebe part II

Many things in Chinua Achebe's, "Things Fall Apart" parallel to the topics of literacy and orality. Language and fragility particularly influence cultures and shape the way they develop differently than literate cultures. Oral types of cultures develop independently of one another - this I found particularly interesting. Cultures who are near each other may only communicate very frequently if they are oral cultures, this is because it take much more effort to communicate. So the harder it is to communicate the less they probably will, it becomes less valuable. Literate cultures can subvent this inconvenience of difficulty in communication. By writing down information, only a messenger or way of sending messages is needed to communicate. Without this writing, an oral culture would require an orator to remember and recite the necessary information and then must meet with and speak to listening audiences in order to send information. this oral type is more labor intensive and leads to cultures intermixing less. In this way oral cultures seem to develop more independently from one another. These cultures may, as a result, value traditional cultural ways without the diversity of frequent communication of other unique cultures. Frequent communication with other independent and different cultures inherently would produce more productive activity. I know that by colliding more diverse ideas you can reach the best conclusions, develop the best ideas and more. This can be seen in the ways that many contributing ideas develop the best plans in teams like in sports, business, and nature.

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