Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Reed 11/18

In today's reading and class we talked extensively about the past, present, and future of technology in our society today. Where is the path of technology going? Where has it been? Technology is heading toward a convergence of different technologies, so much so that many disappear in our daily lives. Pre-web, Web 1.0, and Web 2.0 describe the development of the web, and the different aspect of each development. The web now has advanced to the point where users do not need any knowledge of coding or computer programming to interact with the web and other users online. This easy access allows for a wider audience to access the internet, one with nearly no technological knowledge can become involved int he web, and the community within. A more complex pool of users develops a more complex society online, one where accountability comes into question with the anonymity of online use. Accountability is hard to pin...with many people given the ability to be hyper-accountable for online issues. People can create first, edit later - hence the "publish then filter" concept we have been talking about in class. From now on, the web will only continue to become more integrated into our lives, and more accessible in the lives of others as well - this is what I predict.

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